Choosing a Powerlifting Coach

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A powerlifting coach helps people at all levels improve their strength through periodized training. They teach the proper technique for each lift and work with athletes to build a strength plan based on their goals, needs and abilities. They will adjust the programming and training methods to keep clients motivated, safe and productive.

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The best coaches will have a strong understanding of the sport and can explain it clearly. They will be able to provide specific technical cues and techniques for each lift, and can help beginners navigate the uncharted territory of Olympic lifting. They can also identify areas of weakness or imbalance, and recommend supplemental exercises to fill the gaps in their client’s training.

When choosing a coach, it’s important to think beyond their social media following or who they’ve worked with previously. You should consider their coaching philosophy/background, how they run their coaching practice and what kind of service you’ll receive from them.

One of the most common reasons for disappointment with a new coach is that the athlete didn’t do their homework and clearly define what they would get from them from a service-level delivery standpoint before hiring.

In addition to the criteria above, I also encourage people to choose a coach that is a strong lifter themselves. There are a lot of great coaches out there that have formal education and credentials in the field, but I think there is more value to be found in someone who is passionate about the sport and can communicate that well with their clients.

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